Matéo Internship 2023 University of Sidney 1.jpeg-03
Picture of Timo Van Gucht

Timo Van Gucht

A trip Down Under with Matéo

Master student Matéo is in Australia for an internship at the University of Sydney. In the framework of his master's programme, Matéo is working at the Eggleton's Research Group.

Matéo Yerles, a second-year master’s student in Photonics Engineering, is currently doing his long internship abroad at the University of Sydney (Eggleton Research Group).

“I feel fortunate to work here since I get the opportunity to apply the knowledge I received from my master’s and to extend it to real-life experiments”, Matéo says. “At the same time, I’m discovering a whole new field of research. During this internship, I have the wonderful opportunity to work on on-chip Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, an optical nonlinear effect involving optoacoustic interactions.”

Matéo is enjoying his time in Australia and he is also performing well! Last week, he won the Best Poster Prize in a competition at the lab. Congratulations and good luck, Matéo!

Follow his adventure during his Instagram takeover here!

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