How can I apply for a scholarship or grant?

All students who apply for this program are therefore eligible to be awarded a VUB Scholarship (no separate application procedure is required). These Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis among all accepted EMSP students.

To obtain a grant or scholarship from one of the external funding agencies, students must follow a separate procedure (next to the MSPE application procedure). The procedure to obtain these grants is completely independent from the MSPE Admission Process and the MSPE Board has no involvement in the selection or decision process of these external funding agencies.

I don't have a BSc degree in Electronics or Physics, can I apply?

Yes, we have accepted students with a degree in Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, IC Design in the past. If there are sufficient courses in Applied Mathematics, Electromagnetics, Semiconductor Physics, Electronics, Optics & Optoelectronics or Telecommunications, you fit our profile.

How do I legalize my documents?

For more information regarding the legalisation method for your documents, please visit:

VUB website

UGent website

Is there a late application call?

Late application deadlines will be announced on our website, so please check regularly for updates.

I am also applying to other Erasmus Mundus programmes, can I still apply for MSPE?

Yes, students can still apply to the MSPE. The MSPE is a former EMMC and therefore will not be taken into account for the maximum number of three EMMC one can apply to.

I'm in my final year of Bachelor studies, can I apply for MPSE?

Yes, Bachelor students in their last year of study can also apply; they need to submit an official certificate of enrolment in their graduation year, mentioning the projected date of graduation and BSc programme name.

I'm not accepted for MPSE, what should I do?

In case of non-selection and if you have grounds to believe that your application file has not been processed properly through the selection procedure, you can start an appeal procedure by sending a letter to the MSPE secretariat by registered post.

The letter should clearly state the reason for the appeal. The appeal must be lodged within 30 days after the communication of the selection results from the MSPE Secretariat.

The Chairs of the MSPE Programme Board will verify whether your file was eligible and whether the selection has been carried out correctly.

The MSPE Secretariat will communicate by e-mail the outcome of the appeal procedure within 30 days after receiving the appeal letter.

Students are always allowed to apply for the next intake. New additional elements (new courses followed, training, recommendation letters) may lead to a different outcome of the selection. If there are no additional elements, the result of the selection procedure will not change as well.

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