Alina Tomeeva | Russia

Alina Tomeeva

I do like how accurate and straight to the bull’s eye each of the courses in this master programme was chosen. The expertise of professors, their involvement, and positive attitude towards students give me more freedom to be not afraid of my own curiosity. I came from Russia where I have got a master’s degree in engineering. This Photonics master programme looked for me as a new challenge in my life. The challenge requires a lot of studying, good time management, quick learning and most important curiosity and enthusiasm. At the time of application, I already knew about this programme from my husband who is currently working on his PhD thesis at the VUB research group B-PHOT Brussels Photonics. Another important moment when I realised that “this programme is what I want to do right now” was during the Open Days at VUB. The buildings, people and the University spirit slightly pushed me inside this photonics world.

Alina Tomeeva

Alina's internship at Aircision

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